Our Allevo Support

Do you know this – shortly before the start of a new planning phase or during the planning something does not work? Or you receive messages that you can't do anything with?

Then this short introduction is just the right thing for you. Our expert Genís Ventura Fayol shows you which system settings affect the use of your Allevo and helps you understand Excel and Allevo messages.


The following topics will be covered:

  • Which technical requirements are relevant in your own system? How do the various components of your system landscape influence the use of Allevo? What should you pay attention to? Get information about the different components for the smooth use of your Allevo as well as updating your system. Here we talk about the SAP GUI, Excel versions as well as macro security.
  • In a new planning phase, you will also make adjustments in your Allevo: Updating the column definitions, activating the new versions and the planning objects in the Status Manager, etc. However, these steps are not only required in your Allevo, but also in your SAP system. With the help of a checklist, you will learn which options are available to you for this in your Allevo.
  • You will also get to know a selection of typical messages and problems in the master: using examples, we will analyze messages and understand their meaning in order to resolve the cause in each case. The focus here is primarily on problems with corner management and solving formula and formatting errors.

Selected and exemplary examples are practical basis of this webinar – surely you will recognize some messages.


(The webinar is held in German.)



If you have any questions, please contact us by e-mail or telephone on +49 (761) 791 878-197.

Unsere ausgewählten und exemplarischen Beispiele sind praktische Grundlage dieses Webinars – sicherlich erkennen Sie einige Meldungen wieder. Dabei werden folgende Fälle und Fragen behandelt:

  • Systemeinstellungen und Komponentencheck
  • SAP-GUI, Excel-Versionen und Makrosicherheit
  • Anpassungen in Allevo und SAP für neue Planungsphasen inklusive Checkliste
  • Typische Meldungen im Allevo-Master und Lösungen für Corner- und Formelfehler


Mittwoch, 21. Mai 2025, 13 – 16 Uhr


200 € pro Person zzgl. MwSt.

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